Art of Living Foundation: Art of Living is one of the largest humanitarian and educational centers in the world, which was founded by spiritual leader Sri Ravi Shankar in 1981. Its motive is to teach people to enjoy the stress free, violence free and enjoyable life. Art of living is running several programs in 140 countries and has reached out to approx 300 million people.
Asaram Bapu Ashram: Sant Sri Asaram ji Bapu is a Hindu spiritual guru of India. More than 350 Ashrams are working under his organization all around the world and its headquarter is in Ahmedabad. These ashrams organize many spiritual an social activities like Satsang, distribution of spiritual publications as Rishi Prasad, Divya Prema Prakash etc.
Patanjali Yog Peeth: Patanjali Yog Peeth is a Yoga and Ayurvedic activities center in Haridwar, which was established by Swami Ramdev ji Maharaj. It contributes various activities like Yoga classes, natural health therapies, Ayurvedic treatments etc. It also provides the facilities like OPD, accommodation and admitting the patients for the long time disease treatment.
Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute: Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute was founded by K Pattabhi Jois, situated in Mysore. Ashtanga Yoga is nothing but more than just physical discipline, it involves certain number of steps, that enhance a light and strong body. The curriculum of the institute includes six standardized and graded routines. Also many other centers of Yoga institute are successfully delivering their services in countries like Japan, United States, Britain etc.
Auroville: Auroville was founded by Mirra Alfasa in 1968 and designed by the architect Roger Anger. It is situated in Viluppuram district of South Indian state Tamil Nadu. Auroville means city of Light, which is a universal town with the purpose to realize human unity. It comprises 50,000 houses with 2007 number of people from 44 countries. In Aurroville men and women of all countries live together in a peaceful environment and progressive cooperation, above all politics, religions and nationalities.
Iskcon Temple: Iskcon is an abbreviation of ''International Society for Krishna Consciousness. It was started in September 1987 in Bangalore with handful of devotees under the leadership of Sri Madhu Pandit Dasa. In 1998 Acharya Prabhupada completed Hare Krishna Movement, which was a complex of temples. Now in India there are over 40 ISKCON temples, which provide the activities like cultural education, cow protection, bhajans (spiritual prayers), spiritual publications etc.
Osho Ashram: The Osho Ashram was founded by Bhagwan Rajneesh in Pune. The Ashram is a perfect place to get rid off all the frustration and day to day tensions, which not only facilitates spiritual development but also revitalize the people with complete relax. People from more than 100 countries come here for different purposes right from resting, swimming, relaxing to meditation.
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